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Afterpants: Dharmundies #3

Hell King #3

Name: Gundari Myo-o

Function: Badass...and Divine Waiter

Appearance: Dark skinned, wearing tiger skin loin cloth, fangs...probably has several tattoos with awesome symbols on them so ppl will ask him what they mean.

Tools of the Trade: Dorjes out the ass, trident, staff, axe and a martini mixer

Hobbies: Tending to his pet snake, Mixology, Destroying demons.

Quote: "You took her back? You can't be serious!"

Underwear: Well, at least we don't have to guess this one...

Gundari is # 3 on the Hell Kings list and the one most likely to kill you because you looked at him wrong. But again, as I explained to someone on Twitter, my definition of a "divine destroyer" is any supernatural being that can and will kill you. The idea of a "spirit" makes it automatically divine...therefore, any being...Kappa, Myo-o, Dragons, The Night Marchers (of Hawaiian fame) Wendigo etc....all "Divine Destroyers" because anything they do is divinely inspired.

(had to come back for a further edit. In the "Tools of the trade" category, what we're really talking about is the objects with which the Buddhas are normally represented. Each has a specific meaning but they are many and varied and you can google them here and here)


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