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Afterpants: Dharmundies #4

Hell King #4

Name: Daiitoku Myō-ō

Function: Head Guard for Amida Nyorai (The Buddha of the Western sky), Divine Psychologist, Cowherd

Appearance: Dark skinned, 3 heads, multiple arms, demonic but...then that's part of the gig!

Tools of the trade: sword, an arrow and a staff, and in his left hands a trident, a bow, and a rope and a smart phone for calling all the Buddhas...

Quote: "She's old and it's about time she died."

Hobbies: Suppressing evil and creating goodness. Also a hell of a painter...

Underwear: He's outside like, all the time...probably a jock strap or a swim brief.

Daitoku Myo-o is 4th in rank amoung the Hell Kings. He rides a buffalo and is sometimes confused with Yama because the iconography is similar.

As you can tell from the picture, this one also has a bow...but I feel like he uses the object differently. He's also an ophidophobe which makes this my least favorite king...I mean...what's that snake ever done to you??? #TeamSnake


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