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Afterpants: Afterlives (Barred from the afterlife)

Today's afterlife trope is "Barred from the afterlife" This is the idea that there is an "eternal" place you go when you die and some people (for various reasons) are not permitted entry.(And/or reincarnation...which they are denied)

These spirits must then, either wander around as a ghost, exist in a 'middle space' like Limbo, return to this world as the undead or return to this world a sort of immortal demi-god.

As a student of many cultures, I can say from a story standpoint, it happens there is at least 1 historical figure in a given culture that is an example of this. However, as a diviner who is in communication with spirits all the time, I can say that this is really never the case.

Certain dead are barred from certain afterlives, but there is always a place for the dead to go. The only spirits 'stuck' here are here of their own Onryo.

Therefore this story is:


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