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Afterpants: Afterlives (Home of the gods)

The next storytelling trope on the list is "Home of the gods"

A self explanatory trope, or is it? See in order to qualify this idea we again have to return to the question "What is the afterlife?" or perhaps, more appropriately "What is the underworld?."

Different cultures have different ideas on the subject. The Ancient Egyptians believed that most of their deities lived in a separate realm/plane of existence from the spirits of the dead. In Japanese folklore, their "gods" the Kami live all over everywhere. There's the heavenly plane, where the big dogs live, the earthly realm where mostly minor spirits live and also the underworld wherein at least 2 major deities live.

Christianity believes that "heaven" is a place where both the "good dead" and their god reside, whereas Islam believes the "good dead" reside in their heaven but god lives in a different place. Hinduism and Buddhism agree that the dead go to a certain place but are only there temporarily and the same goes for their deities.

Of course, after settling the question about "What is the underworld" then the other qualifier is "What is a deity?" My personal belief is that deity must answer 3 solid criteria;

  1. They have no true form

  2. They have supernatural power beyond anything possessed by humans.

  3. They are immortal.

Most spiritual traditions agree that "gods need houses" This can be in form of a Christian church (often referred to as the House of God) a Shinto Shrine/Kamidana, Icelandic "Elf Houses"

Which logically implies that if gods need houses, they also need space to put them...hence, the part of the underworld reserved exclusively (or not so much) for the gods.

So, adhering to the letter of this trope, I'm going to say yes...for the most part this trope is:


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