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Afterpants: Underthings (Hungry Ghosts)

Today's Underthing is the world renowned "Hungry Ghost!"

I'll do this one a little differently because soooo many people know what Hungry Ghosts are.

  1. Hungry Ghosts are several other country's version of the Hindu "Preta"

  2. Preta are acknowledged in both Buddhism and Hinduism.

  3. Hungry Ghosts are meant to be the spirits of humans that were too greedy regardless of how that greed manifested (Money, Food, Sex etc...)

  4. As with almost ALL Asian cultures, while there is an idea of "harmful" or "evil" spirits, these ghosts are given offerings instead of being shunned. This is a practice in non-dichotomy wherein all spirits get offerings because they all, in some way, have supernatural powers and are treated equally .

  5. Hungry Ghosts can live in "Hungry Ghost Hell" or live on the earth.

  6. A Hungry Ghost that lives in Hungry Ghost Hell will eventually be reincarnated but it is my understanding that Hungry Ghosts that live in the world must remain here unless someone exorcises them or kills them.

  7. The 7th lunar month is considered "Hungry Ghost Month" in most East Asian countries. This month is said to be when ghosts and other spirits are free to roam around seeking offerings of food, drink and entertainment. They are also offered "hell money" This is fake currency which is burned (normally outside) so that the "spirit" of the money manifests for the ghosts to which it has been offered.

While I believe in spirits that return, I am not Buddhist or Hindu and find the idea of this sort of punishment for a made up list of rules ridiculous. Therefore, citing the canon of this ideal...I will have to say that this is:


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