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Afterpants: Underthings (Madam Koi Koi)

Welcome to the first episode of Afterpants: Underthings. Herein, I'll be discussing various kinds of ghosts from around the world. Some are individuals (Like Hamlet's father) and other are a plural (like wraiths or Yurei)

Today's ghost happens to be the former. A certain legend from several African countries tells of a murdered teacher at a boarding school named (variously) as Madam Koi Koi (Lady Koi Koi, Miss Koi Koi,Madam High Heel, and Pinky Pinky.

The story goes something like this: a terrible teacher (who loves wearing high heels) at a boarding school is either in an accident or is murdered and continues to haunt the school halls.

"Koi Koi" is an onomatopoeic to describe the sound high heels make against a tile floor.

Only in Ghana does the story change in that, the woman is a good teacher who dies in a car crash after chasing a student across a street to protect him.

Apparently, Miss Koi Koi is known for various poltergeist-like activities including slapping people, opening doors, a variety of types of attack in bathrooms (all of which bring Hanako-san to mind) and in the off chance that a girl is wearing pink panties, murder! order to keep Miss Koi Koi at bay, we'll offer her a barrel of red wine, a 12 pack of pink panties, a closet full of red high healed shoes and...uhm...oh yes...her own private bathroom so she doesn't feel the need to haunt any further African boarding schools!

FYI: I've just been accepted as a writer for JaponicaPub!!! Which means I could begin being monetized for my delightful supernatural undies rants and that, if so, I will be forced to go back through ALL my posts and remove any copy written images.(or maybe not, I'm not quite sure what the rules if I'm publishing over there but writing for myself over here...2 different platforms etc...anyway...YAY ME!


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