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Afterpants: Yokeks 十三 (餓鬼)'s phucking snowing here in Columbus. The barn I'm living in is quite at least it has Wifi. My dishwashing job has become something of a nightmare. I don't have enough money to buy decent meals so I've been surviving on soy chicken patties (without buns because so many of the mass market breads have eggs in them...oi) My sleep schedule has been thrown completely out of wack because of work. (Normally, I begin preparing for bed @ around 4pm and sleep by 8-9, get 10 hours and get up early) but my job doesn't even begin until 5pm and I'm not even finished by 10...then I have to have a couple of hours to relax so I haven't been getting to sleep until around 1 or 2am. So then I sleep, and wake up at like's very disorienting. And the job itself is physically taxing, all the bending and the the standing it's really all become exhausting.'s yokai is

Name: Gaki 餓鬼

These are the famed "hungry ghosts" of Buddhist lore. In Japan, they're depicted as nude, (or fundoshi'd) skeletal beings with distended bellies (as per starving ppl) . But in other parts of Asia, the belly is not emphasized. These are ghosts of ppl who were greedy in life, so much so that they have an entire hell realm to themselves.

Gaki can also manifest in the world. If a greedy person dies, they can transform into Gaki.

Gaki are said to be forever hungry and thirsty.

Kek factor? mmmm. In Japan they get about a 1.5...other places...maybe...4.9?


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