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Afterpants: Undemons (Aeriae Potestates (Aerial Powers))

In the last episode I talked about Aerial Devils

The Aeriae Potestates are apparently a specific type of these demons.

Rather than exposing your sins, the seem to prefer creating storms.

But that's not all...the storms they create cause famine and swarms of insects to rain down on your crops!

What's that you say? You have no crops? Well...locusts and other gruesome insects can easily invade you home as well!! HAHAHAHAAHHAHAH!!!!

Ok, not really....modern houses are basically built air tight...(sighs in demonic) to the offerings you make so you can quell their wrath...

Bird feathers (and briefs or boxers with feather print), a cricket in a cage like the Chinese do for luck. Oh yah! and a large air conditioner/heater because they might get cold or too hot depending on what area of the world they're in!


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