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Afterpants: Underthings (Bhoots)

Today's lovely ghosts are called Bhoots or Bhuta

(As a side note: I'm not an etymologist but it does strike me that the second name is similar enough to the country of Bhutan I can't help but wonder if Indian people think all ghosts come from the north)

After all, we did just have a micro discussion on twitter about how mountains are considered by many to be passages into the's that...

Anyway, the word Bhoot is Hindi in origin and they have so many fascinating points regarding their lore it's difficult to fit them all into a little ghost blog!

For example; Bhoots are said to have backward facing feet or hover just above the ground.

They are shape-shifters that can use the forms of animals.

They cast no shadows!

They love to bathe in milk! (This is a product of the Hindu belief that "white" symbolizes purity and most temples offer milk to the deity of choice)

And, Bhutas (much like the goryo of Japan) are considered terrible/powerful enough to warrant offerings and shrines lest their wrath be upon you!

So what to offer a Bhoot?

Well apparently they like burning tumeric and other herbs...I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest's become very popular in the western supernatural fanclub crowd.

You should also promise a Bhoot that you will help them in any way possible and definitely get them some a vegan, I could only offer a Bhoot soy or almond milk...but I'm sure the Bhoot would understand!


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