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Afterpants: Yokeks 十

Another cold night last night. It's not like I don't appreciate the help I've been offered. I mean, a regular job, food AND a place to sleep??? That's great! But the job is physically taxing, the food clogs up my digestive system and the place to sleep is well nigh freezing.

These people are nice but I'm trying to get a place to live...which seems almost impossible because rent is so high, a job which seems like as though would be offered in abundance but every one I've applied for hasn't even bothered to respond and as far as being vegan...for phucks sake...I just found out even the Subway veggy patty has egg whites..(FACEPALM!)

(Also, I met this guy and there were subtle hints that I might stay with him if I slept with him...for phucks sake...this 'staying in America" thing is insane.)

I don't want to go back to teaching. I want to work with the dead..mortuary assistant...that's my goal. I can't go to Japan or even China again because my only worth there is as an English teacher.

I just want to watch cartoons and sit in my undies all day, I don't have space for the people playing games with my life!


Today's yokai is...I donno...we'll go with Oni...they look awesome in evidenced by the fact that they basically have achieved one of my goals and simply wear them all the time, everyday...

Kek factor 9.2...these guys were the original underwear models!!!


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