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Affterpants: Yokeks 十一

Well, I slept like a goddamn viking last night. Almost 12 hours! YAY!!!! (Yes, that's a Ralph reference) Possible funerary job on the way. Work wasn't too terrible ('s a dishwashing gig and we're open an extra hour on Friday and Saturday which IS terrible because you'll always get those ppl that come in 1/2 hour before closing and you have to rewash kitchen equipment that you've already washed again and again} but it was slow for a Friday and I was able to get everything done before closing and run back to my barn and have some wine so...there's that.

Today's yokai is uhmmmm...

Name: Ikiryo 生霊

Ikiryo is said to be the out-of-body spirit of a living person. (For the's not actually that, it's more like a magical body accidentally or willfully created by a person)

The person desires vengeance, or is jealous and the Ikiryo comes into being to enact that revenge.

Kek Factor: Hmmm depends on the person actually...we'll give it a solid 7.5 assuming ghosts can wear proper pants:


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