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Afterpants: Afterlives A. (After-afterlife)

The idea "AfterAfterlife" can be an interesting one but to explore it we must first ask these questions:

A. Is there more than one afterlife?

B. Can you die in the afterlife?

C. If so...does this lead to self-extinction or to another type of afterlife?

A. Most modern religions believe in only one or rather 1 afterlife with 2 different possibilities of residence. Buddhism believes in 6 different realms (most of which have many levels/plains within them) this world is included in the 6 so essentially 5 realms of total possibilities. Hinduism is similar. In Japan there are 4 potential afterlives Jigoku, Tengoku, Ne-No-KUni and Yomi.

So the answer seems to be Yes.

B. In Ancient Egypt, there is a monster named Ammit/Ammut which devours the 'soul' if it proves to be heavier that the feather of Ma'at. In other faiths, however, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of afterdeath. Most of them seem to describe a sort of constant regeneration or permanence of being which allows for torment or eternal bliss.

So the answer seems to be a resounding No.

C. Apparently, only in the case of Ancient Egypt is there an ultimate obliteration. In Asian faiths, one can be reincarnated into a different realm. In Abrahamic faiths, one's afterlife is far more permanent.

Again, then the answer seems to be No.

Therefore the combination of these ideas, while appropriate to explore in fiction, seems unlikely as a spiritual reality.


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