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Afterpants: Afterlives (Celestial Bureaucracy)

The next on tvtropes' list was "celebrities hang out in heaven" but I feel like this not very interesting and only used as a comedic trope versus taking the afterlife seriously.

So we'll move on to the next one "Celestial Bureaucracy" This is the idea that, if there is an afterlife, then surely someone must be 'in charge' of it and YOU once you arrive there.

If someone is in charge...there's normally a bureaucracy in which, like the DMV, there are long tedious lines, forms to fill out and employees that either are or are not helpful.

So, while living in modern life has definitely produced this idea, and while I am sure that there's "someone in charge" of the underworld. There is most defs NOT a bureaucracy. No forms to fill out nor are there long lines where people are herded like cattle.

It's funny to think about but:


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