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Afterpants: Afterlives (Defector from paradise)

Today's afterlife trope is "defector from paradise" . This is the idea that there is a permanent place where one goes after they die, resides there for a while and decides to return for whatever reason. This can also apply to other types of underworld beings.

Monotheist beliefs would generally say this idea isn't possible as their "one god" places everyone where they are supposed to go after they die and that's where they stay forever.

Hinduism and Buddhism would politely disagree. Especially in the "god realms" or Buddha realms where deities routinely choose to leave their ideal state to be reincarnated or to travel to this world to help humans do stuff. There are also the "ghost festivals" of many Asian countries wherein the ancestors are invited to come from the other world and offerings are made etc.

In Mexico, a similar custom exists on Deis de Muerto wherein ancestors are invited from the underworld to what is essentially a celebration in their honor.

Though, these festivals are temporary in nature and this trope is generally permanent, they show that it is at least possible to move from one world to the other and that a political or emotional argument with the current state could be a motivation for a spirit to "defect"

The ancient Egyptians believed that (if the proper spells were put in place) a dead person could shape shift, use magical powers and move in and out of the afterlife at will.

Normally, I like to go with the consensus and here to, it seems that defecting is not only possible, but happens fairly frequently...therefor, this trope is:


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