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Afterpants: Nether Regions Pt 13 (Vyraj)

BTW...if you haven't seen the rest of our site, I made Afterpants a new logo. Just hit "Home" and you'll see it...I'm calling him "Kinji no Pantsu" after the Kinji from my equally awesome underwear card game"Kinji Cards."

An interesting find today...Vyraj (or Iriy) is Slavic/ Proto-Slavic/Indo-European underworld located "far away...beyond the Milky Way"

So Vyraj, like certain other Nether Regions is said to be several things;

  1. The place from which Spring comes

  2. The place where birds go in winter

  3. The place to which dead spirits go.

Vyraj seems like the kinda afterlife that slides on like a pair of tighty-whities

versus the horrible old boxers that give one constant problems like Gehenna

or the ridiculous and entirely inappropriate g-string thong of Limbo.

There does not seem to be much info on the environment of Vyraj but it seems it's quite nice. There was some other info I picked up re: Vyraj-adjacent

So not to break rank or anything but I just learned about this idea "chaoskampf" aka "draccenkampf" which is literally the study of comparative mythologies involving

man's "struggle against chaos"...and how the theme of serpents and dragons is so prevalent

they literally call it "draccenkampf"

#dontbuythehype (the snakes did nothing wrong!) #teamserpent

The other thing I learned is that Vyraj is supposedly guarded by this deity called Veles.

Being a "watch word" kinda guy, I found the etymology of the name particularly great!

The idea that the Slavs had a dragon/serpent deity that ruled their underworld BEFORE Christianity is both surprising and awesome!

(check out that devil-esque symbol the Rodnovers are using...what? you don't know about the Rodnovers? They're actually pretty cool...)

( kinda looks like stylized form of underwear....)

But I'm way off topic...Vyraj...used to be the place where the dead go and apparently, the proto-slavics used to practice ancestor/ghost veneration BEFORE they even got Veles so as an underworld with offerings going directly too it, I'd have to guess it's probably still a viable place!

Afterpants awards 4 out 5 Hellbriefs to Vyraj!


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