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Afterpants: Nether Regions Pt.2 (Aerial Toll Houses)

Alright, admittedly I don't know everything about the, for example...are boxers or briefs more popular with the dead? Are there hell malls where spirits can go to purchase new underwear or do they rely soley (souly?) on offerings from the living. If so...I'm afraid there are a LOT of spirits running around nekkid! (Especially ghosts from western countries...maybe not nekkid...maybe they're all outfitted in the suits and dresses they were buried in...hmmmm...a well dressed afterlife then?) And what about ppl that were cremated?

Definitely nekkid. (Using nekkid btw so my blog doesn't get listed on some p*rn site)

Regardless...I am always running into concepts I've never heard of before. This brings us to today's topic "Aerial Toll Houses"

What are they? Well...the concept comes from the Eastern Orthodox church (EOC) and is highly debated amoung theologians. Like the 10 Kings of Hell in Buddhist thought, apparently there are at least 20 of these way-stations during an EOC believers journey to "heaven."

At each of these are several demons who charge the dead spirit with a particular "sin."

If a spirit fails to answer the charges or prove innocence then they are dragged into hell.

For specifics, you can consult this site

If the EOC is correct, most of us are finished at Aerial Tollhouse #15!

Now, not to split elastic...but it seems EOC's demons are dressed down by comparison with Asian demons. In fact...they're all nekkid! The demon at tollhouse #15 seems to wearing a belt of gourds but otherwise...nada in terms of undies.

(note: all demons in the Hell Scroll are wearing at least 1 type of undergarment! Some, like the large black one have fundoshi AND animal skins!)

As I mentioned, each tollhouse addresses a specific "sin" up to and including "singing worldly songs" (I'm looking at you BTS!) "laughing at people" ( defs going to hell) and "overpricing" (oh noze! my Calvin Klein boxer briefs are gonna send a whole slew of peeps to the terrible fires!)

The reason the idea of Aerial Tollhouses is controversial is that some EOC bigwigs say that it's a pagan/gnostic belief. On the other hand, those who hold the belief cite scriptural refs like; "All holy angels of the Almighty God, have mercy upon me and save me from all the evil toll-houses." Saint Andrew, Ode 7

For further support of this belief, please ref this.

If you're not a can go here.

Personally, I think the idea of "sin" as a universal and divine constant is rubbish.

Social norms? Yah...kinda. Justice for those who've been wronged...YES! But for anyone to say " can't do that because god said it's wrong..."that's ridiculous.

If I were a Hell King, seriously, I'd judge people based on their intent.

Oh, you murdered someone but you were acting in self defense? You're free to go.

You were kinda of a jerk to everybody your whole life but it was because you really

just wanted to interact with the supernatural and focus on the divine? Gold star! Move along!

Because I'm not really a fan of christianity and I feel that the idea of tollhouses lends itself to further and ludicrous dichotomy, Afterpants hereby gives Aerial Tollhouses 2 Hellbriefs out of 5.


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