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Afterpants: Nether Regions pt 22 (Paradise)

Heaven...paradise...Jannah...whatever you want to call it.

In many religions it's supposed to be a place of "bliss" or "permanent happiness".

The wikipedia entry did list an etymology that was quite interesting. The word "paradise" apparently comes from Ancient really...and the root words in a ton of languages are basically the same "rd" which is translated as a 'wall'/'garden

'a walled in area'.

In this sense, at least I suppose there could be a in...there are walls all over the place in the underworld.

However...the ideal of "an eternal heaven" where everything is happy and wonderful all the time is pure nonsense.

Humans aren't supposed to, and frankly...shouldn't eternally blissful state.

Even in Buddhism, there's Nirvana...which admittedly isn't quite the same as a Christian or Muslim heaven...but even's supposed to be an eternally static condition...

I can't even come up with a proper underwear metaphor for it....let's just call heaven

a used diaper and be done with it.

Frankly, if that were the case in the underworld my primary critique would be "BOOOORRRRRINGGGGG!!!!!"

Fortunately, I have it good authority that is not the actual state of things.

Even worse that a permanent hell, or a semi-permanent hell, or permanent/semi-permanent darkness, or grayness....would be the state of being a happy, grinning idiot for all eternity.

Afterpants gives "paradise" the lowest score possible....1 out of 5 Hellbriefs....

Fuck heaven....


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