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Afterpants: Nether regions pt 28 (The Summerlands)

Finally made enough over the weekend that I don't have to run around town looking for day work, so I'll do 3 episodes of Afterpants blog today.

The first of which is obviously this one.

The Nether Region I'd like to discuss today is called the "Summerlands"

Wikipedia has very little to say on the topic but I'm sure I can find some info somewhere.

On "Learn Religions" they have a quote from Scott Cunningham (more on him in a second)

"This realm is neither in heaven nor the underworld. It simply is: a non-physical reality much less dense than ours. Some Wiccan traditions describe it as a land of eternal summer, with grassy fields and sweet flowing rivers, perhaps the Earth before the advent of humans. Others see it vaguely as a realm without forms, where energy swirls coexist with the greatest energies: the Goddess and God in their celestial identities."

Scott is a prolific author on modern Wicca/Witchcraft. My fav book from him is

"Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner." The reason for this is NOT that I am Wiccan, nor do I practice that type of craft but there's an overarching idea in the book which is essentially, you create your own magic, you initiate yourself, your relationship with the gods is entirely up to you!....Now THAT'S an idea I can get behind!

Some believe that the Summerlands are a way-station (or Bardo) where it's gentle and nice and you wait to be reincarnated. Interesting take on it (the afterlife)

I know there are places IN the afterlife that resemble that, but they are difficult to find.

Ray Buckland (another prominent Wiccan writer) has this to say:

"Summerland is, as we might expect, a beautiful place. What we know of it is what we have gleaned from people who have returned from near-death experiences, and from accounts obtained by genuine mediums who communicate with the dead."

Which I think is great. This is how humans have ALWAYS understood anything about the afterlife and that's an important fact that many forget.

You are going to LOVE this...

"Theosophists believe the Summerlands are maintained by hosts of planetary angels serving Sanat Kumara, the Nordic alien from Venus who Theosophists believe is the governing deity of Earth and leader of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth. Sanat Kumara is believed to rule over our planet from the floating city of Shamballa, believed by Theosophists to exist on the etheric plane (a plane between the physical plane and the astral plane), about five miles (8 km) above the Gobi Desert."

I have a dark sense of humor, so I fully appreciate it when religious beliefs seem to strain credulity. It's more an appreciation of deviance I take the idea of "heaven" for example...You've got humans that don't believe in heaven, then there are agnostics who are like "maybe??" then Christians/Muslims etc...who absolutely believe in heaven. Then there are Buddhists and Hindus who believe "heaven" is a place you must find inside yourself. But then there are the deviants...ppl who've read every crazy thing available on the internet and have come to the conclusion that "heaven" is run by Bigfoot and that the Illuminati Lizard People have hidden the truth of it by dissemination false information though the various world religions so no one can go to heaven except themselves.... batshyt

Anyway. I'll liken the Summerland to a clean, warm pair of briefs right out of the dryer.

Afterpants awards the Summerland 3 out 5 Hellbriefs. (I would have given them 4 but because the idea is fairly modern, I'd like to give it few centuries to simmer)


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