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Afterpants: Nether Regions Pt.7 (Bulu...Fiji)

An interesting one today! We begin in Fiji.

When someone dies, they are said to begin their journey to "Bulu" (the underworld...and again, I must mention the equality or sameness in the human folklore of

going underground and going across the ocean)

The first thing that happens is they meet up with a ferry man that takes them

to another land...this land's only function appears to contain a road...the "Path of spirits"

The first place they come across is Nabagatai. Apparently it's a village on the outskirts of the underworld, though as with the previous entry...not much info is available.

Who lives there? What sort of underwear do they wear?? Why is this village important to Fijian folklore? These are the things I want to know...but alas....

Anyway...once you pass Nagabatai, you will continue on the Path...but the Path

has many dangers up to and including "the Great Woman", "the monster Nangganangga", "the Pandanus tree", and lastly the giant called "Killer of souls."

Obviously marriage in Fijian culture is pretty important as it seems that an unmarried man

has literally no chance of survival (his "unmarriedness" seems to affect his ability to survive)

Maybe they should have spoken to the ancient Egyptians regarding magical

Now...if you survive all of that, you arrive before Degei...who is a giant snake btw...

(He's yet another Hell King)

Who decides whether you can try for a shot at 'paradise' (Called Buroto)

or if you get sunk to the bottom of the lake where there is a second (3rd?)

afterlife land called Murimuria where it's basically gen.pop.

and you get some glittering prizes or shots in the arm based on how you behaved in your life.

This culture favors married, warlike,polygamous males

and encourages tattooing for all but importantly females (presumably as a sign of being owned) BUT...other than the politically incorrect aspect...their culture and it's underworld have a lot to've got everything! Giant snakes, islands, a Hell King, ghost towns,

giant monsters and killer trees!

I'd give it 5 out of 5 Hellbriefs but no one culture gets a perfect from me...not even the Japanese...

4 out 5 Hellbriefs.


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