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Afterpants: Undemons (The Furies)

Today's Undemons are; The Furies!

Coming at you from Ancient Greece's underworld, The Furies have many names;

The Dirae (The Terrible Ones), The Erinyes (The Kindly Ones), The Maniae (The Insane),

The Potniae (The Awful Ones), The Praxidikae (The Vengful Ones), and The Semnae (Those who are venerated)

Why...with all these titles, would they be called "The Kindly Ones?"

Apparently it was considered bad luck to call them the other titles.

And what's more important, is that (like the Japanese Onryo) these were originally considered the Spirits of the murdered dead.

Only later did they become 3 vengeful 'goddesses' but their description is something to read: "described as having snakes for hair, dog's heads, coal black bodies, bat's wings, and blood-shot eyes. In their hands they carry brass-studded scourges, and their victims die in torment."

Essentially, they are Spirits that live in the underworld and return to enact revenge for certain crimes...mostly family related murders!

Offering: Branches from a yew tree, salt, bottles of Uzo and a 9 pack of Yurei House mid-rise briefs!


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