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Afterpants: Yokeks 九

So it's gotten cold. I'm still staying in a barn and woke up @ 4 seeing my breath. I keep running in to people who understand my situation and have space to spare, but are not in a helping mood apparently. Like I get that ppl don't want total strangers in their homes but I kinda feel like, once you've gotten to know someone (or are at least a regular observer of their behavior) and you can tell that they're not dangerous or crazy or whatever...wouldn't you want to help that person get a place to live?

John Oliver just did a tremendous piece on the problems of homelessness.

If you're interested, I'd say pay particular attention to the idea of "shelters"

Anyway, today's yokai is:

Name: Jakotsu-baba 蛇骨婆

Apparently, she is a guardian yokai who carries snakes around. One blue and the other red.

2ndly, the grave she guards is her husbands' who was part of a family called "Snake"

She also lives somewhere in China.

2 things on the Kek Factor

  1. I don't do women's underwear...just not interested.

  2. If she lives in China, then I can tell you from experience her underwear is terrible. She seems nice enough. I mean...terrifying to behold, but she's performing a holy task so...I donno.

Anyway, based on those 2 thoughts...probably 2.5 or so KF


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