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Afterpants: Yokeks 六

So, I've been trying to combine Yokeks with a daily update as to what I'm up to but not today. Let's just say at the end of the day I'm super disinterested in all the crazy that's happening around me and just want to think about the supernatural.

Now...if there's Sake, food, smokes and a place to sleep involved, so much the better.'s yokai is (drum roll...)

Name: Nure-Onna (or in my case Nure-Otoko) 濡女

Classically, a Nure-onna is depicted like this:

or this:

But for the purpose of Afterpants...we'll go with something like this:

At the risk of being called a "Scaley" (like a Furry except with reptiles) I'd like to suggest that these beings...(which are not now, nor have they ever been human) are the Kek masters...

These things rock a fundoshi like you can't believe.

Traditionally, they are said to live near water and to drown humans that they convince to hold on to a "baby" which isn't actually a baby which then weighs so heavily on the human that they can then be pulled into the water and be drowned.

Kek Factor: 10! I've put monsters in all kinds of underwear...they simply can't hold a candle to Nure-Otoko!

You can find more Yokeks here

You can find Dharmundies here

Afterpants website here

Afterpants: Nether Regions here

(oh...and if you're looking for more stuff on Serpent People...)


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