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Afterpants: Yokeks 十二

So I had a "date" last night. I met this guy who was on OKcupid. We've met twice now and he seems nice, but I can't get over how he just brushes off the reality that I'm homeless.

I haven't showered in weeks. I mean, I'm using a cloth and some shampoo so at least I don't reek but for phucks sake...not offering me a shower and drinking my Sake? Dude...seriously???

Anyway, just another wacky day in the life Kawataro...


Today's yokai is:

Name: Hahakigami 箒神

Hahakigami are old brooms that have come to life. Brooms are, obviously, a way to clean your house, but also a ritual purification object.

They do not, however, look good in underwear as they lack 2 appendages

Kek factor: 3.2...meh...


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