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Afterpants: Yokeks 十四 (札返し)

I don't even remember how long I've been here. The barn has no windows which is actually super helpful in terms of sleep. But this fact completely obliterates any sense that know what day it is.

I have signed up for the popular job sites and I keep reading about how there is a "hiring crisis" but no one has contacted me for the position I'm gunning for. It seems possible that there is an active attempt to stand in my way; both for gaining meaningful employment and basic housing. I confess myself confused as to the nature of this series of unfortunate events.

Last night we were very busy and I thought I might just fall to the floor in front of the dish washing machine.

Anyway, today's yokai is:

Name: Fudakaeshi 札返し

So, fuda are talismans against calamity. In Japan, people place them on walls, in closets and even in/on cars to prevent bad things from happening/ harmful spirits from approaching.

Fudakaeshi are spirits that try to convince a person to remove fuda so that they may personally or collectively harm the person.

Obviously, being spirits themselves, they can't touch the fuda, so they try to convince humans to do it for them.

Kek Factor: Well, having a human shape (with two legs...even though the legs disappear @ the bottom) certainly helps when determining if a particular spirit looks good in underwear.

I'd say probably a 5.5-7.5 depending on the shape of the ghost. Remember, our KF determiner is somewhere between Oni at relatively 9.0 to a tsukigami with no legs @ a 1.0

(As...if you have no's difficult to put on any garments whatsoever let alone a nice pair of briefs)


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