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For this post...actually, for many on Afterpants...I had to go back through my personal research, add to it, take away from it and eventually scream "STOP!" at myself because doing an internet search for "folklore creatures underwear" got me 0 results. I had to combine search words, get creative and came up a list of TOP 12 supernatural creatures that either wear underwear, steal underwear or ARE underwear.

#12. The Japanese Ubume. A humanoid yokai. She has the appearance of an old woman. She is said to roam villages at night buying underwear with dead leaves.

#11 Associated with our #12 entry by virtue of name; The Ubumetori from Japan. This is a bird yokai that is said to wander the skies at night looking for underwear that's left on the line to dry. The firey bird then swoops down and steals your underpants. Not every nice. But then, neither are some of it's other attributes.

#10 Hailing from Scotland, the Brownie is said to haunt your house naked and will leave it you offer it new underwear. "Master has given Dobbie a sock!"

#9 The mad Russian spirit Domovoy is a benevolent protector and will help you do chores around the house. However, it may steal your neighbors underwear if you're running low or it's laundry day and you find yourself short of shorts...

#8 From Macedonia, the Samovila are said to be forest spirits. Beautiful and deadly, they may just murder you unless you steal their underwear (presumably while they are bathing)

(The next two are both from Japan and are the "ARE underwear" portion of our blog)

#7 Itten-momen A long piece of white cloth that is apparently sentient. It flys down, wraps itself around you and flys off into the sky. Now, you might not know about the history of Japanese fashion history, but there's basically only one reason anyone would have a long strip of white cloth hanging around...a fundoshi. Underwear that steals you....

#6 Tsukumogami. Technically, inanimate objects that gain their own spirits and become sentient and animate. While I could find no specific reference to Tsukumogami Fundoshi...I obvious right...though I don't know anyone who who want to keep a pair of underwear around for 100 years until it comes alive...that's some old...old underwear!

(The next two are from Scots/Irish and Korean folklore respectively. They are supernatural creatures that are specifically mentioned as wearing underwear. Again, I will be saving Oni for a special entry though iconography suggests strongly that the Korean monster is, in fact, an Oni)

#5 Black Annis apparently the "big bad" of the folklore...even other monsters are afraid of her. Appearing as a gigantic, old hag. Black Annis steals children, skins them, and makes a loincloth from the leather. (winces...)

#4 The Dokkaebi, a horrible monster, referred to as a maybe not that horrible. Wears underwear made of tiger skin. He even has a song that Korean children sing about his took some effort and a VPN to find a copy of it.

#3 Another Russian spirit! The Leshiy (literally, "the one in the woods") is said to wear either a red hat, or red underwear. Leshiy apparently has a thing for clothing because if you want to protect yourself from it, you must turn your clothing inside out.

#2 From Germany to England, everyone knows about Goblins. Small, wirey and green they are said to make mischief of all kinds. Including stealing your underwear right off your middle parts while you sleep.

The #1 entry for our Unmonsterables is....the Pugot! Straight out of SE Asian folklore, said to be headless and a shapeshifter, he is actually (other than the Goblin) the only folklore creature I could find that is directly associated with stealing underwear. I like the Pugot for several reasons...the first of which is his name. I literally had to say it over and over in my head until I could disassociate it from the luxury car.

While I can't rate them all in general, I will say it's nice to read about supernatural creatures that like underwear as much I do. RATING: " union suit/ romper" Fun to wear around the house, but so much dangle!!!


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