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Why I use only illustrations on this site:

The inherent spiritual value of images.

1-10 scale. 1=no or severely limited spiritual value.

(as this list progresses, keep in in mind that it is the degree to which humans are involved and the degree to which they are illustrated that are the determining factors.

IE: The t.v. show "Friends" while being highly sought after and quite entertaining has 0-severly limited spiritual value as all the characters are living human beings and there are no supernatural characters.

A cartoon like the Simpsons has a much higher value based on the fact that all the characters are illustrated AND there a regular appearances of supernatural beings.

Shows like "American Gods" or "Ghost Whisperer" have significantly higher spiritual value than the show "Friends" as, while there are living human beings as main characters, the premise of the shows is predominantly supernatural.

Again, the mitigating factor being the "amount of supernaturalness."

A show like "Kindred", for example, rates just above "Ghost Whisperer" because almost every character is a living person playing a supernatural being.

Based on this theory, a show like Spongebob is super high on the list as it is entirely (99%) animated AND about supernatural creatures.

Another factor is the artists intent...from which I will refrain discussing here, except to say that an artist could create an illustration, anime etc...about supernatural beings with THE INTENT...of simply commenting on the state of humans...this would take that art down a few points on the scale.

The last aspect I want to discuss (again I will refrain from too much detail) is what I call the "5th Gen factor." In world folklore and mythology, there are beings who are the originals, the biggest of the big, the 'true bloods" and then there are beings like fairies and vampires. While the symbols of these characters might seem powerful and magical, due to influences from other cultures, religions or media, they've become something of a joke. An example of this is just this morning, I ran across a comic RE:Cthulhu , and the Old Ones are all standing around laughing at Thor; deriding his powers and his form; saying "how cute it was that he learned the art of electrostatic manipulation." Of course Thor is something to be reckoned with if you're a meta-human etc...but to an entity like, say..a Yurei...yah...not so much.

It's kind of like that. There are some "supernatural" beings that are simply Z-list.

(I'm not even going to discuss aliens...)

Also, I should mention my reasoning for placing 3D renders in the center of the scale. 3D renders are illustrations and that makes them spiritual, however, the tech has become so advanced that there are moments when I question whether or not I'm looking at a render or a photograph. 3D renders are great, and certainly more spiritual than photographs, but they're real enough to cause one a slight shift in perception.)

1. Photographs/film or the sight of living human beings.

1.5 Models/Figurines/Statuary of living human beings.

2. Photographs or the sight of living human beings who are playing supernatural beings.

2.5 Models/Figurines/Statuary of living human beings who are playing supernatural beings. (IE: a figurine of the guy playing Thor...dressed as Thor)

3. Photographs or film of dead human beings. (IE...a photograph of a dead relative, famous movie star etc...)

3.5 Models/Figurines/Statuary of dead humans playing living humans.

4. Photographs or film of dead human beings playing a supernatural being.

4.5 Models/Figurines/Statuary of dead human beings playing a supernatural being.

(figurine/bust of Bella Lugosi as Dracula)

4.6 Models/Figurines/3-d Printed copies of a 3-d render of living or dead human beings.

(a 3D printed figurine of a 3D render of Henry Cavill as Superman)

(Hereafter, models/figurines/statuary of any of the rest of the categories are .5 less than)

5. 3-d renders of living or dead human beings.

6. 3-d renders of supernatural beings/dead human beings playing supernatural beings.

7. Illustrations/cartoons/paintings etc... of human beings; living or dead or places.

8. Illustrations etc.. of supernatural beings or places.(sectarian)

9. Illustrations etc..of supernatural beings or places.) (non-sectarian)

10. Illustrations etc...of indescribable, ineffable, or ethereal beings or places.

From left to right:

Names of the kids who played Toshio...but if I added the photographs 1 on the scale.

I believe it's Ryota Koyama as Toshio...a 2 on the scale

A figurine of the CHARACTER of Toshio...7.5 on scale

A painting I did personally of the CHARACTER of Toshio...solid 8.


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