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Afterpants: Nether Regions pt 25 (Purgatory)

Funny...back in the day, the RCC paid Dante to write the Divine Comedy as basically a brochure for the Christian belief in heaven and hell...and it worked! Even today most peoples idea of the Christian afterlife is colored by Dante's work... it turns out...the RCC has essentially denied the existence of Purgatory as a place repeatedly.

Purgatory, for those who don't supposed to be a realm where SOME people are permitted to have their "sins" burned off, so they can go to heaven.

(The "anima sola" a common image used in popular Catholicism/Santeria etc...)

It is, in common thought, a 3rd Limbo which is separate from Heaven and Hell wherein the "sort of good" people go to 'get purged'

It is also comparable to Barzakh in Islam.

Oh! And while I was reading up on it, I ran across a religion I knew nothing about!

As I've mentioned before, I dislike the idea of "sin." It doesn't sit well with me, so a place where people go to have their sins expiated simply reinforces that belief.

I feel Purgatory is like old, spandex trunks...they wore out long a new pair already!

Anyway, Afterpants awards Purgatory 2 out of 5 Hellbriefs


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