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Afterpants: Nether Regions pt18 (Naraka)

Today's Nether Region is also a BIGGY...but since I've spoken of it ad naseum

I thought I'd just say a few things about NARAKA as it is the progenitor of all the various

Buddhist and Hindu underworlds.

* Naraka, like some previously spoken of hells, is both a Hindu and Buddhist tradition.

* Neither in Buddhism nor in Hinduism is a spirits stay/punishment eternal.

* Both faiths believe that once a person has "paid for their sins" they can be reincarnated

and leave the awful place.

* Both believe that it is ruled over by several "Hell kings" who job it is to judge your life and decide what your punishment should be.

* Both believe that the employees of hell are tasked with administering a dead persons punishment.

If you look carefully at the afterpants (the first pic at the top), you'll note that every Asura/Demon/Oni is wearing a type of Indian undergarment called a Lungi. Most of the sinners are nekkid.

These are not to be confused with the fundoshi-like "Langot".

Personally, I'll liken Naraka to a pair of boxer shorts that have a really cool pattern, but you basically never wear them because they're boxer shorts...

Hinduism and Buddhism both agree that Naraka is part of the divine plan,( unlike certain monotheist traditions I could name.) and that Hell Kings are not "evil" but instead should have offerings made to them by the living to further their own (future) spirits journey or someone else's.

Because it's the OG of so many hells around the world, but, because I still feel strongly that these hells should based on intent instead of s huge list of no-no's I'm gonna give Naraka

the same score as I did Diyu...

3 out 5 Hell briefs.


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