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Afterpants: Nether Regions pt 27 (THE SPIRIT WORLD!!!)

What an interesting moniker this is! Why? Well, because there are several different ideas about what the Spirit World is...but the overall ideal remains the same! The "Spirit World"

is what Afterpants is all about! It's what "Nether Regions", "Dharmundies" and "Yokeks" is all about! It's what Kinji Cards, Afterpants: The Comic, "The Occult Corrections Department Podcast", Yurei House Underwear" are ALL ABOUT!!!!!

So, the Spirit World...what is it? Where is it? What sort of underwear do they wear there?

Well, the CLDS (Church of Latter Day Saints) claims that there are several...and they look like this:

While the actual movement of Spiritualism has this to say;

"Whereas religion regards an inner life, the spirit world is regarded as an external environment for spirits....that the spirit world was of "tangible substance" and a place consisting of "spheres" or "zones"....a series of concentric spheres each including a hierarchical organization of spirits in a setting more earth-like than theocentric. The spheres become gradually more illuminated and celestial."

Disney's "Elana of Avatar" thinks it looks like this:

The game League of Legends views it this way:

Recently, my fav game in the universe "World of Warcraft" released 9.0 update, in which the characters can go INTO the Spirit World and play as (what I consider) dead heroes!!!!

I did a piece on the "Astral Planes" several weeks ago...but the point is...essentially, when you say "Spirit World" you're talking about everything....Heavens, Hells, Limbos, In-between spaces, afterlives, before-lives, Bardos, Buddha realms etc...

AND...when we say "Spirit World" we're also talking about the DENIZENS of it...angels, demons, yokai, monsters of all kinds, ghosts, elementals NAME IT! It belongs to the Spirit World.

The only thing that DOESN'T belong to the Spirit World is...well...the Living World.

The Spirit World is where magic comes from.

The Spirit World is what practitioners of divination are in communication with!

The Spirit World is...well....THE SPIRIT WORLD!!!!!!!!

(Sorry to shout but really, you have no's been rough...)

Anyway, the reason for this blog (and it's underpants) is to help educate people about the Spirit World (Personally, I call it the "Underworld"...but it's a matter of aesthetics...)

I LOVE the Spirit World. I LOVE the denizens of it! I love researching and writing about it...both scholastically (if you can call this scholastic) and in fiction!

Where is it?

Well...there are many theories. Some say it's up in the sky, some say it's underground, some believe it's an interesting combination of "under the ocean" and "it's own unique world"

(ie: Lovecraft and/or many island cultures)

Some believe the Spirit World is layered, right on top of the Living a different frequency or an alternative time-stream...

Some believe it's a different dimension entirely but it can be accessed through portals, caves, or waterfalls.

Some people believe you can only reach the Spirit World if you experience physical death...hence, all those stories about protagonists going to the Underworld to save their significant others or other reasons.

Why is it?

The theories here are just as varied:

Some think it exists merely to house entities other than human beings.

Others say it's where humans go after they die.

Some think it's a combination of both.

Some believe it's where the gods live or a combination of all or some of the above.

Do the beings there wear underwear?

As culturally diverse as the other questions;

(And I've spoken about forever:)

Here; Here: Here: Here ; and Here;

So I'll skip the blah and just say "yes, most cultures believe that there are clothes in the afterlife" and "yes, most cultures believe that supernatural creatures wear clothing"

Can I go there?

Probably...maybe....I after you die or something...or you could do like a "shamans journey" type of deal where you sort of astrally project there. Whatever works for you.


Anyway...Afterpants gives the Spirit World an UNHEARD of 6 out of 5 Hellbriefs!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy Spirit World!!!!


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